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Latest report of shipping company on shipping date reliability (with ranking attached)

Hits:Updated:2022-11-04 10:11:51【Print】

According to the latest global liner performance report of Sea Intelligence, the global shipping schedule reliability of container shipping companies in September was 45.5%, a slight decrease of 0.7% compared with August.

In addition, since the beginning of this year, the average delay time of ships arriving late has been decreasing, with a month on month decrease of 0.1 days to 5.81 days in September 2022.

On the left is the global shipping schedule reliability, and on the right is the average delay time of late arriving ships;
Chart source: Sea Intelligence

Although there is a slight decline compared with August, the reliability of shipping date is obviously better than that of a year ago. In 2021, this figure dropped to 33.9%, and in January this year, it dropped to 30.4%.

In September of this year, Maersk was still the most reliable ship, accounting for 53.2%. The second is Dafei, accounting for 45.5%. The lowest reliability of shipping date is Yangming, which is 35.1%.

Chart source: Sea Intelligence

In September again, most shipping companies had very similar scheduled rates. The report shows that only 5 of the top 14 shipping companies have achieved month on month growth, and all 14 have achieved year-on-year growth, of which 10 have achieved double-digit growth, and two have achieved more than 20% growth.


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